Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sagehen Reservoir, Day 3

The third day was the best! Everyone, (well, almost everyone) went on the 4 mile hike around the reservoir. It was really fun, especially the first part where it went up and down, and twisted all around. The second part, after crossing the dam, was quite flat and straight.
Us kids kept pulling ahead. We weren't really trying to, but I think we walked a little faster and when we came to a hill we would run down it. There was a particularly large slope, so we ran all the way down; it took the adults quite a few minutes to pick their way down. So we would go up ahead quite a ways, then wait for the adults to catch up.
About halfway, we came to this really large boulder where we all climbed up and waited for the adults to catch up. It was fun, sitting on the very edge looking out over the water. We even saw a heron fly back and forth over the water, looking quite lost.
When the adults caught up, we all sat on the boulder and had snacks and drinks and licorice.
It rained a little that night, but not enough to keep us away from the fire. We sang hymns and stayed up rather late.

 I don't know why this picture is so cool to me
 Dad being....Dad
 I really like this picture

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